
In God we trust

After the biblical flood all that remained were Noah and his three sons. On their shoulders lay the burden of reestablishing the human race. For this purpose they where given seven laws on which to base their new society. These seven laws are the basis for building a good and righteous society; they are also the basis for the Ten Commandments that were later given to the people of Israel on Mount Sinai.

While these laws are known as the seven Noahide laws, in fact at least six of them were originally given to Adam and his offspring after the casting out from the Garden of Eden. But just in the same way that Adam's offspring did not implement these laws in their society, and by doing so eventually coused its downfall and the biblical flood, so too the sons of Noah did not implement these laws in their society, causing much sorrow and suffering in the world to this day.

But now when the final deliverance and the divine revelation of the King Messiah is very near, and in accordance with the order and the recommendation of the Lubavicher Rabbi King Messiah, to all the people of the world, that they shall all know and live by the seven laws given to the sons of Noah, I will reveal these seven laws one by one, and explain their importance in building a new and righteous society today.

The seven laws are:

1. Idolatry and paganism are forbidden. Man is commanded to believe in the One God alone, creator of heaven and earth, and worship only Him.

In order to live by these seven laws, we must first believe in the existence of the one true God, creator of heaven and earth and the entire universe around us. God whom is always guiding and watching his creation, because it has a purpose and a meaning for him the creator and for us the created as well. Only by serving God through the seven laws, do we the created give true meaning to Gods creation.

The purpose of Idolatry and Paganism is the opposite of this Idea, Idolatry and Paganism were established in order to distance people from the one true God, in order to attempt to take the control over the creation from Gods hands, for personal gain and glory. In the beginning the establishers of the Paganism religions only claimed that God after creating the universe gave up its daily management to the angels (or gods), but later on as they became bolder they started to deny the existence of God entirely. Today this is most evident in the modern Idolatry that comes in the form of modern science, which desperately tries (but without success) to prove that the universe was created out of random chaos, and by so doing, it is trying to take God out of the equation.

That is why the belief in the one true God and Paganism cannot coincide together, and one must choose between them. In order for a person to live by the seven laws, he must first accept the one true God in to his heart, and renounce all those who seek to deny his existence. This is the reason why this is the first of the seven laws.

2. Cursing the name of God or taking it in vain is forbidden. Besides honoring and respecting God and the holiness of his name, we learn from this precept that our speech must be sanctified, as that is the distinctive sign which separated man from the animals.

In order to truly believe in the one true God, we must honor and respect his name, because the name of God is what links us with God. When we pray to God or call out to him, we use his name, and if we take it in vain or curse by it, we do not connect to God, but achieve the opposite, we distance ourselves from God.

In Gods creation the difference between man and beast is in the ability to speak, only man has this ability to form in words his ideas and thoughts, other animals have the ability to connect with each other, but not the ability to form coherent sentences or to write them down. Only man was given this ability so that he can pray to God, and call out his name. When we take his name in vain, or curse by it, we are misusing this privilege that God gave us, and in fact denying his power over his creation, in the same way as the pagan religions do (see the first law). Therefore we are in direct violation of the first Noahide law.

This second law is directly driven from the first law, and is a natural continuation of it. In fact these two laws are linked together, and form the basis for all the Noahide laws.

3. Murder is forbidden. The life of a human being, formed in God's image, is sacred. This includes taking ones own life which is equivalent to murder.

When God created man, he did so in his image, he breathed life into him, because man was the ultimate cause for the creation of the world. Only God can give life, and when a man takes the life of another he is desecrating the creation of God, thus he is desecrating God himself. This of course is in direct violation of the first and second laws.

The taking of another life is forbidden but when Murder occurs it means that a person has no fear or respect for God, and that is a grave sin, because nothing in Gods creation is without a purpose and no man is alive by chance. God created each man for a reason, and when a man is murdered he can no longer fulfill his destiny, and then all of Gods creation is damaged. This includes taking ones own life, which is actually a form of self murder, because a person dos not understand, or does not want to fulfill his destiny with accordance to the will of God, and so causes a damage in all the creation.

Every time a murder occurs it causes a delay in final deliverance and the divine revelation of the King Messiah. As it was with the first murder when Cane murdered Abel, and thus caused a delay of 130 years until Adam and Eve brought forth a third son Shet, and from him the rest of humanity was born.

That is why murder is thought to be such a grave sin, and a murderer's fate is also death because he has no place in Gods creation, for he violated the first and second Noahide laws, and caused damage to all humanity and Gods creation.

4. Theft is forbidden. God gives on to each man what he needs and deserves, so by stealing from man, we are actually stealing from God.

Because God resides personally over all his creation, he knows what each person needs in order to fulfill his destination in this world. When a man attempts to fulfill his destination out of love and honor for God and his creation, God helps him by giving him all his material and spiritual needs.

But there are people that do not live in accordance to the will of God, to these people God dos not help in the same way he helps those who live by his will (God does help them but without their knowledge, while people who live in accordance to the will of God, feel his helping hand in their lives). Some of these people envy or lust for the things that God gave to others who live by his will. But instead of changing their ways to fulfill their true destination in this world, and then receiving Gods blessing, these people try to take a short cut, by stealing from others. By doing so they disrespect the property of others, and of all mankind, thus disrespecting God and his creation. This is a direct violation of the first law, and therefore forbidden. Some of them even have the impertinence to pray to God himself that he will watch over them and help them in their quest to steal from others. In doing so they are actually taking Gods name in vain, and so also violating the second Noahide law.

A man must strive to live with what God has given him, and not try to take what belongs to others. And by doing so if he truly believes in God, he will feel Gods grace in his life.

5. Incestuous or adulterous relations are forbidden. God blessed Adam and Eve that they shall be fruitful and multiply, incest and adultery go against this blessing.

The basic blessing God gave the animals on the fifth day of the creation, and also on to man on the sixth day of the creation, is be fruitful and multiply. This is not a commandment but a blessing; it is the basis of Gods creation. The ability of the continuation of the creation beyond the cycle of life and death is a basic and fundamental property of Gods creation. That is why in the animal world, the quest for food and for mating occupies most of their adult life, and in man the institution of marriage is so sanctified.
Any form of sexual relation that goes against this basic principle of Gods will and the purpose of his creation, is therefore a violation of the second law, because it is a misuse of Gods blessing for ones own personal gain, and is therefore forbidden according to the Noahide laws.
But the Noahide laws specifically signified Incestuous or adulterous relations, because they are misleading in the sense that offspring can be consummated in such a relationship. But these offspring are flawed, both physically and spiritually, and if they are allowed to be consummated freely they can bring serious flaw in the human race and all of Gods creation. And that is why they are forbidden in order to protect the human race.

6. Eating the organs or the flesh of a living animal is forbidden. This teaches us to be sensitive to cruelty to animals, and never hunt them for sport. (This was commanded to Noah for the first time along with the permission of eating meat, because before the flood man did not eat meat. The rest of the laws were already given to Adam in the Garden of Eden).

As man was created by God so were the animals, and in the same way that it is forbidden for one man to be cruel to another, especially if the other man is weaker then the first man (because all men were created in the likeness of God), so it is forbidden to be cruel to animals whom are weaker than man. God created many things in this world, to help man fulfill his destination. Plants and trees, and also animals. Before the biblical flood God only allowed man to eat fruit and vegetables, but that does not mean that animals where not slaughtered for other uses, such as for sacrifice, or for their leather and so forth. But after the flood, the world had changed, and God now commanded man to eat the flesh of some of the animals.

This why some authorities claim that this is the only law given to Noah and his sons while the rest of the laws were given to Adam and Eve. But other authorities maintain that this law was also given to Adam, because animals were slaughtered before the flood. In both cases the slaughtering of the animals was done (or more correctly was supposed to be done) in the most humane way possible, in order to inflict minimum as possible suffering to the animals. In this way the animals would fulfill their role in Gods creation, but not safer for it, because in contrast to man whom was given free will, the animals do not enjoy this privilege, and must do what they were created for i.e. serve as food for man.

Since man was given charge over the animals from the beginning of creation. As it is written in the book of Genesis, when God brought forth all the animals in front of Adam, so that he can name them, thus giving them their character and nature, and because the slaughtering of animals is specifically for man's use only, it is his duty to make sure that minimum as possible of suffering is caused to them when they are slaughtered.

Eating the organs or the flesh of a living animal is a very cruel act, and it is done with no regards to the animals feeling, only to satisfy a selfish human need. When organs are taken from a slaughtered animal they do not feel pain or suffering, but from a live animal, the pain and surfing are very great. There is no justification for such an act. The animal suffers enough when it is slaughtered, for even the most humane way of slaughtering must cause some suffering to the animal, and there is no justification to cause it more suffering by taking organs or flesh from it while it is still alive. We must be compassionate and respective toward all of Gods creation, and when a person is cruel to animals he is disrespecting God and his creation, for God is merciful, and man who was created in the image of God must also be merciful towards all living things, while using them to fulfill his destination.

That is why this law is a symbol against any form of cruelty to animals, including hunting them for sports, or any other selfish reason man may come up with. We must respect animals and protect them from unnecessary harm and only use them in the way God intended in his creation.

7. Mankind is commanded to establish courts of justice and a just social order to enforce the first six laws and enact any other useful laws or customs, with accordance to the will of God.

In order to maintain these laws in an established society, there must also be order, and justice. For all man must be judged by the same standards and according to the same law. But justice cannot be blind, it must also be merciful, and in accordance to the will of God. The establishing of courts of justice in accordance with the seven Noahide laws, ensures the establishment of a just and equal society, where all man are held to the same standards, and rules.

This is the last and final law, the conclusion of all the other laws, for in the final deliverance all societies will be just and equal, where all man can contribute to the well being of Gods creation in accordance with the seven Noahide laws.

As you can see six out of the seven laws are passive laws in which no action need be taken, only one must refrain from sinning against the will of God. Only the seventh law requires you to take action, after you have established a society that lives in accordance with the first six laws. If you take it in your heart to live in accordance with these seven laws, and encourage others to do the same, you will help in the hastening of the final deliverance, the building of a just society, and the divine revelation of the King Messiah.

Long live the King Messiah.

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